#207 // Another Line, Micky?

The Govt has banned Nitrous Oxide. It will now become a class-C drug with a two year jail term for possession. ALSO: The Supreme Court in the U.S. is about to decide if Trump is legally barred from running for President. So at least that'll be terrible whichever way it goes. Drink?

The UK Govt is banning Nitrous Oxide. It will now become a class-C drug with a two year jail term for possession.

Meanwhile over in the U.S. => the Supreme Court will shortly decide whether Trump is legally barred from running for President. What does that means for U.S. democracy and political violence? Spoiler: it's awful either way. Drink?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#206 // Rufus Hound

Rufus Hound is an actor and comedian. Tonight we discussed everything from his background to why he left Celebrity Juice to more political matters like institutional racism and just how f***ed the country and world are going to get in the next decade. Not one for the faint hearted, but one of my personal favourite episodes so far. Enjoy!

Rufus Hound is an actor and comedian. Tonight we discussed everything from his background to why he left Celebrity Juice to more political matters like institutional racism and just how f***ed the country and world are going to get in the next decade. Not one for the faint hearted, but one of my personal favourite episodes so far. Enjoy!

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#205 // Passed Around The Prison Wing

Solo show | China appear to have hacked the PM's car AND James Cleverley is powerless to do anything about it. ALSO: How likely is it that Silicon Valley Sunak wants to regulate A.I. on the Creative Industries?

Episode 204 is here and covers the weird fact that China appear to have hacked the PM's car AND James Cleverley is powerless to do anything about it.

ALSO: the Select Committee are lobbying the Cabinet to regulate A.I. in the Creative Industries. But thanks to Brexit and Sunak's love affair with Silicon Valley - that's probably a lost cause too. All in all another inspiring week that makes you proud to be British.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#204 // Bring Up The Speed

Emergency podcast covering the reshuffle, the appointment of Grant Shapps and Mark Francois' highly sought after analysis of it.

Emergency podcast covering the reshuffle, the appointment of Grant Shapps and Mark Francois' highly sought after analysis of it.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#203 // We've All Got Plenty

Solo episode | I'm back from a week away in mancs and liverpool, the inflation rate went down... and we found the weirdest creepiest advert in the history of bad british entertainment. ENJOY!

I'm back from a week away in Mancs & Liverpool, the inflation rate went down... AND I found the weirdest creepiest advert in the history of bad british entertainment. ENJOY!

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#202 // Jetwash Sewage On A Patchwork Quilt

Intelligence's Lee Anderson creates another (useful-to-the-Tories) tabloid distraction. And Trump musters all the strength he can to NOT insult the court, and fails at the first hurdle.

Intelligence's Lee Anderson creates another (useful-to-the-Tories) tabloid distraction. And Trump musters all the strength he can to NOT insult the court, and fails at the first hurdle.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#201 // Father Of The Year Michigan

Solo Episode | An American Father buys his 15 year-old child a gun for his birthday. The kid, Ethan Crumbley, is subsequently caught trying to buy rounds for it - and is sent home from school. His parents still do nothing. He then draws vivid pictures of himself *murdering* the kids from his class. STILL no one does anything. The School, his Dad, his Mum... they all fritter between doing sweet-FA or simply laughing about him being caught looking for ammunition. And then: lo-and-behold, a bunch of kids die.

An American Father buys his 15 year-old child a gun for his birthday. The kid, Ethan Crumbley, is subsequently caught trying to buy rounds for it - and is sent home from school. His parents still do nothing. He then draws vivid pictures of himself murdering the kids from his class. STILL no one does anything. The School, his Dad, his Mum... they all fritter between doing sweet-FA or actually laughing about him being caught looking for ammunition. And then: lo-and-behold, a bunch of kids die. A tale of NRA America.

Patreon // Live Shows \ Twitter // Instagram \ Tiktok

#200 // 2-for-1s At Lucifer's Liquor Store

Solo episode | Me and Missus emersed ourselves in some True Crime shit. I came away wondering what these shows tell us about innate classism? What can we glean about Republicans', *American* conservatives' penchant for 'personal responsibility'? Where does those values start & stop for wealthy families who blame everyone else for their own problems or sue the off licence for the crimes the drunk kid did?

Brief respite from UK and US politics, as me and the missus immersed ourselves in some trashy True Crime shit. What do these shows tell us about innate classism? What can we glean about Republicans', American conservatives' penchant for 'personal responsibility' from families who blame everyone else or indeed sue the off licence for the crimes the drunk people did?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#199 // Shouty Women Are Offensive

Solo episode | Sassy Trucker is an American motoring influencer who has ended up jailed & subsequently trapped in Dubai for the crime of shouting in public.

Solo episode | Sassy Trucker is an American motoring influencer who has ended up jailed & subsequently trapped in Dubai for the crime of shouting in public.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#198 // Enjoying My Whisky On Flight 11

Trump catches another couple of charges, Farage dominates the news for 6 fucking weeks. He truly is our saviour. He's doing it for *us* guys. And Climate Change is absolutely fucked. The UN, the WMO and everyone in between are tearing their hair out - but i can't wait for absolutely nothing to change politically. STOP THE PLANET, I WANT TO GET OFF.

Trump catches another couple of charges, Farage dominates the news for 6 fucking weeks. He truly is our saviour. He's doing it for us guys. And Climate Change is absolutely fucked. The UN, the WMO and everyone in between are tearing their hair out - but i can't wait for absolutely nothing to change politically. STOP THE PLANET, I WANT TO GET OFF.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok