#217 // Damien at Guildford Cathedral

Solo episode | Do i have throat cancer? Who knows! ALSO: Israel/Gaza has proper kicked off. Rishi's off to Israel, yielding the question: "Y tho?". And is Greg Hands the worst political campaigner of the modern era?

Solo episode | Do i have chronic lyringitis? Or throat cancer? Who knows! Life is a kooky mystery! ALSO: Israel/Gaza has proper kicked off. Rishi's off to Israel, yielding the question: "Y tho?". And is Greg Hands the worst political campaigner of the modern era?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#216 // Alex Kerr

Alex Kerr is an historian and the host of Political-X on YouTube. Tonight we discussed everything from Trump to HS2 to Aliens to JFK and more.. it was pretty erratic but a lot of fun.

Alex Kerr is an historian and the host of Political-X on YouTube. Tonight we discussed everything from Trump to HS2 to Aliens to JFK and more.. it was pretty erratic but a lot of fun.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#215 // End of Conference

Whoooohoooooo! Suella's a STAR! Everyone thinks Liz Truss is the FUTURE! Penny Mourdant's gone mad and Sunak is a dead man walking. Yep, it's another solo episode and this time i'm looking at the last couple of days of the Conservative Party conference. Which was every bit as insane as you'd expect.

Whoooohoooooo! Suella's a STAR! Everyone thinks Liz Truss is the FUTURE! Penny Mourdant's gone mad and Sunak is a dead man walking. Yep, it's another solo episode and this time i'm looking at the last couple of days of the Conservative Party conference. Which was every bit as insane as you'd expect.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#213 // Babysitter In A Brazzers Vid

Solo episode | The Met killed a guy called Chris Kaba. But was it murder? ALSO: are the Tories reverting to type in their final few months in power?

Solo episode | The Met killed a guy called Chris Kaba. But was it murder? ALSO: are the Tories reverting to type in their final few months in power?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#212 // Cristo Foufas

Cristo Foufas is a (Right-leaning) TV and Radio presenter/journalist. He's appeared on Jeremy Vine, LBC and now Talk TV / Talk Radio. Tonight we covered a lot. Rishi Sunak's watering down of Net Zero, Sadiq Khan's ULEZ, Donald Trump's possible return to the White House and my attempt to drag him Left-ward

Cristo Foufas is a (Right-leaning) TV and Radio presenter/journalist. He's appeared on Jeremy Vine, LBC and now Talk TV / Talk Radio. Tonight we covered a lot. Rishi Sunak's watering down of Net Zero, Sadiq Khan's ULEZ, Donald Trump's possible return to the White House and my attempt to drag him Left-ward..

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#211 // A Tapestry Of Disgust

Solo episode | 2 cheeks of the same misogynistic arse: Marilyn Manson of rape and sexual assault accusation fame is prosecuted for spitting in a woman's face. Meanwhile Russell Brand who shares much in common with him - is de-monetized by Google.

Solo episode | 2 cheeks of the same misogynistic arse: Marilyn Manson of rape and sexual assault accusation fame is prosecuted for spitting in a woman's face. Meanwhile Russell Brand who shares much in common with him - is de-monetized by Google.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#210 // Prosecute A Biden Week

Solo episode | The U.S. continues its slide into "world's worst democracy!" territory - with Impeachment proceedings beginning for Joe Biden, but ALSO a Federal indictment slapped on his son, Hunter. What does this say about the current state of US politics? And will the NRA come to his rescue?

Solo episode | The U.S. continues its slide into "world's worst democracy!" territory - with Impeachment proceedings beginning for Joe Biden, but ALSO a Federal indictment slapped on his son, Hunter. What does this say about the current state of US politics? And will the NRA come to his rescue?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#209 // Suicides & Sex Offenders

Solo episode | Rishi Sunak suddenly cares about foreign states interfering in our democracy. Meanwhile sounds like Joe Biden is on course for Impeachment.

Solo episode | Rishi Sunak suddenly cares about foreign states interfering in our democracy. Meanwhile sounds like Joe Biden is on course for Impeachment.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok

#208 // 10 Britcoins & a Starlink Subscription

Solo Episode | Elon Musk admits tacitly helping Putin. Sunak is desperate to move on from Concrete-Gate. And i bump into an old Brexiter friend in London.

LIVE SHOW 28th SEPT! Are you coming? Get tickets here.

Solo Episode | Elon Musk admits tacitly helping Putin. Sunak is desperate to move on from Concrete-Gate. And i bump into an old Brexiter friend in London.

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok | Threads

#207 // Another Line, Micky?

The Govt has banned Nitrous Oxide. It will now become a class-C drug with a two year jail term for possession. ALSO: The Supreme Court in the U.S. is about to decide if Trump is legally barred from running for President. So at least that'll be terrible whichever way it goes. Drink?

The UK Govt is banning Nitrous Oxide. It will now become a class-C drug with a two year jail term for possession.

Meanwhile over in the U.S. => the Supreme Court will shortly decide whether Trump is legally barred from running for President. What does that means for U.S. democracy and political violence? Spoiler: it's awful either way. Drink?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok