#217 // Damien at Guildford Cathedral

Solo episode | Do i have throat cancer? Who knows! ALSO: Israel/Gaza has proper kicked off. Rishi's off to Israel, yielding the question: "Y tho?". And is Greg Hands the worst political campaigner of the modern era?

11 months ago

Solo episode | Do i have chronic lyringitis? Or throat cancer? Who knows! Life is a kooky mystery! ALSO: Israel/Gaza has proper kicked off. Rishi's off to Israel, yielding the question: "Y tho?". And is Greg Hands the worst political campaigner of the modern era?

Here are some links i really hope you click:

  • Patreon <-- if you want episodes 2 days earlier than ev1 else, Discord chat, London meetups, end of show credit, 121-chat with me
  • Live Shows <-- live standup/podcast in Sept and The Riot Society in November. Still some tickets available.
  • Write Me A Review <-- on Apple Podcasts, would be amaaaaazing
  • Say "Hullo!" or give me a shout out on one of the usual: Twitter | Instagram | Tiktok